No Conundrums Here co·nun·drum /kəˈnəndrəm/ noun: conundrum; plural noun: conundrums a confusing and difficult problem or question. The Likud party faced a PR backfire on Monday, […]
I loved Prince Harry’s recent performance at the smash-hit musical “Hamilton” in London’s West End. Fun-loving redhead Harry is clearly the British Royal Family’s extrovert – […]
For non-native English speakers, New Year’s greetings can be a little challenging. Celebrating the New Year is a very big deal in many cultures, so it’s […]
So I wanted to tell you about my journey to presentation success. After presenting to many different groups on various topics, and having to overcome many […]
As the U.S. 2016 election campaign cranks itself up, I’ve been watching aspects of it with interest. What has really fascinated me is Hillary Clinton’s claim to […]
So you’re all prepared for that brand-new-client meeting/phone call. But something still niggles at will you break the ice with this client and set the […]